Child Sponsorship Directory

This Child Sponsorship Directory is here to help people choose where to sponsor a child. We have children available for sponsorship in well over 100 countries. As a charity we have been looking after orphans for more than 60 years in our SOS Children's Villages with their dedicated SOS mothers.

Click on a continent on the map for details of our SOS Children's Villages in that region, or scroll through the list below.

SOS Children Charity World Map Africa Americas Asia Middle East Australasia Europe
Africa    Americas    Middle East    Asia    Europe

Choosing the Right Child Sponsorship for You

If you decide to sponsor a child, most Villages have children available for sponsorship. All you have to do is click on the 'sponsor online' button.  Then you can mention the country and other preferences you may have in the "special instructions" box. If you ask us for guidance or leave the box blank you are most likely to be assigned a child in a new Village in Africa where we are expanding rapidly faced with the HIV/AIDS crisis.

We are sorry that we have decided not to display children available for sponsorship publicly on our website. There are no technical challenges in doing this but our feeling is that it would not be fair to the sponsored children. Even children with nothing and no one are entitled to be treated with respect but obviously such children may care more about having something to eat and somewhere safe to sleep than dignity and we understand other charities who decide that the end justifies the means.

We do however try to help get the right sponsored child for each sponsor. We often match ages and genders of a sponsors own child. We are happy for sponsors to choose a country or Village where their child lives. We do not generally allow sponsors to choose a disabled child because (except for a few specialised Villages for children with polio or landmine injuries) such children are better treated in a fully integrated manner, but do please make any reasonable request and we will do our best to fulfil it.

SOS Children Child Sponsorship Country List: A to Z

SOS Child in Botswana, AfricaA

Sponsor a child in Albania in Tirana, supporting children affected by poverty.

Sponsor a child in Algeria, where we have been working since 1981 and have an SOS Children's Village in Draria, south of Algiers.

Sponsor a child in Angola at Lubango or Benguela, where children have been innocent victims of civil war.

Sponsor a child in Argentina at either Oberá, Mar del Plata, Córdoba or Luján (near the capital Buenos Aires), where economic collapse in 2001 sees much of the population living in poverty.

Sponsor a child in Armenia, where poverty is widespread and families with children under five make up 60% of those who are poor.

Sponsor a child in Azerbaijan, which despite having reserves of oil and gas, has high levels of unemployment and low standards of living.


Sponsor a child in Bangladesh, where political unrest and frequent natural disasters mean children are often abandoned. Over one third of children do not attend school and the literacy rate is under 50%.

Sponsor a child in Belarus, where children affected by Chernobyl are supported through our work at Borovljany, north east of the capital Minsk and at Marina Gorka, south east of the capital.

Sponsor a child in Benin in either Natitingou, Dassa Zoume, or D'Abomey-Calavi.  In Benin, poverty and illness are widespread.

Sponsor a child in Bolivia, where nine SOS Children's Villages care for children in the poorest country in South America.

Sponsor a child in Bosnia, where the aftermath of war and the daily struggle with poverty leave children with traumatic experiences.

Sponsor a child in Botswana in either Tlokweng, Francistown or Serowe. Low life expectancy and children orphaned due to HIV/AIDS means there is a growing number of children alone.

Sponsor a child in Brazil, where many live below the poverty line and in slums despite the country growing economically. 14 SOS Children's Villages give a family for life to children in need. Community projects based at most of these SOS Children's Villages provide practical support to children and families in the local communities.

Sponsor a child in Bulgaria in either Trjavna or Dren, where the transition to a market economy from communism has seen food and water shortages as well as high rates of inflation.

Sponsor a child in Burkina Faso, where around three-quarters of a million children have lost one or both parents. Sponsor today at Dafra or Ouagadougou.

Sponsor a child in Burundi, where civil war and lack of infrastructure mean children at Gitega, Bujumbura, Muyinga, Cibitoke and Rutana are in need of support.


Sponsor a child in Cambodia  in the capital Phnom Penh, Angkor-Siem Reap or Battambang, where years of war have had a huge impact on the country's infrastructure.  Around 10% of children in Cambodia are orphans.

Sponsor a child in Cameroon in Mbalmayo, near the capital Yaoundé, or Douala. Poverty is widespread and infant mortality is increasing.

Learn more about our work in Canada.

Sponsor a child in Cape Verde in either Assomada or Sao Domingos and you will support children from a population with chronic malnutrition and widespread poverty.

Sponsor a child in the Central African Republic at Bangui or Bouar, where widespread poverty and access to basic services are limited.

Sponsor a child in Chad at our SOS Children's Village in N'Djamena.  In the capital, in the south of the country, the average daily income per head is 50 pence.

Sponsor a child in Chile, where there are high levels of unemployment, malnutrition and housing shortages. 13 SOS Children’s Villages and many community projects support children and communities throughout the country.

Sponsor a child in China, where varying degrees of support for children exist in the country.  China is becoming a growing worldwide economic force. 10 SOS Children’s Villages, the newest in the capital Beijing, provide a loving home to children.

Sponsor a child in Colombia, where there are SOS Children’s Villages around the country, including one in Bogota, the capital.  The others are located in Ibagué, Rionegro, Bucaramanga and Ipiales.  Colombia is one of the most violent countries in the world where many children work and many have been displaced.

Sponsor a child in Costa Rica, where there is high inflation and one fifth of the population live in poverty.

Sponsor a child in Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) which is one of the world's leading coffee and cocoa exporters. Rapid population growth and migration to cities such as Abobo Gare and Aboisso mean that children have been adversely affected by unemployment and other social issues.

Sponsor a child in Croatia, where the after effects of the war in the 1990s still leaves problems for children today with refugees and internally displaced persons being affected by the crisis.

Sponsor a child in Czech Republic, where a programme of regeneration continues following the dissolution of the former Communist state of Czechoslovakia.

sponsor a child in Zimbabwe Africa


Sponsor a child in Democratic Republic of Congo at Bukavu, Uvira or Kinshasa; where war, malnutrition and preventable diseases have affected children.

Sponsor a child in Dominican Republic, where children under 5 still die from malnutrition and nearly one third of the population live below the poverty line.


Sponsor a child in Ecuador, where the economy still struggles with the after effects of recession in the 1990s.

Learn more about our work in Egypt.

Sponsor a child in El Salvador as natural disasters and poverty have had a huge impact on this country.  Many children have found a loving family in SOS Children’s Villages at Sonsonate, Santa Tecla, Santa Ana, San Miguel and San Vincente.

Sponsor a child in Equatorial Guinea, at Bata, where we work to improve levels of child welfare (most of the population live below the poverty line) and education.

Sponsor a child in Estonia, where the numbers of children being abandoned is rising due to social problems such as high living costs, alcoholism and a poor welfare state.

Sponsor a child in Ethiopia, at one of our seven SOS Children's Villages, where two thirds of the population are illiterate and continuing food shortages result in malnutrition.


Sponsor a child in Gambia, where health and education systems are lacking and the population exists at subsistence level.

Sponsor a child in Georgia which is one of the poorest former Soviet Union countries. The daily income is less than £1.50 per day.

Sponsor a child in Ghana, at Asiakwa, Tema, Kumasi or Tamale. Ghana is one the world's poorest countries with more than two thirds of the population dependent on small scale farming.

Learn more about our work in Greece, where children face a wide range of social and economic problems.

Sponsor a child in Guatemala, where illiteracy, infant mortality and malnutrition are among the highest in the region and five SOS Children's Villages provide a family for life to children at Quetzaltenango, Retalhuleu, Jocotán, San Cristóbal and San Jerónimo.

Sponsor a child in Guinea, where infant mortality is amongst the highest in the world and rates of HIV/AIDS are increasing.

Sponsor a child in Guinea-Bissau which has some of the highest disease rates in the West of Africa and there is limited access to medical facilities.


Sponsor a child in Haiti, at Santo or Cap Haïtien, where 80% of the population live below the poverty line and access to healthcare is scarce.  Recovery from the 2010 earthquake is ongoing.

Sponsor a child in Honduras, where there are high rates of infant and child mortality in the under fives, and the country has seen a sharp increase in HIV/AIDS.

Sponsor a child in Hungary at Battonya, Kecskemét and Koszeg, where problems left from the Communist era still affect children today.


Sponsor a child in India, which is one of the fastest growing countries in the world, but many young children are malnourished.  Many children are sent to work at a young age and girls remain disadvantaged.

Sponsor a child in Indonesia, where a high refugee population strains existing health, housing and education services.

Sponsor a child in Israel, where we have been working since 1981, and now run two SOS Children's Villages.


Sponsor a child in Jamaica, where widespread crime and poverty have a daily impact on hundreds of thousands of children.

Sponsor a child in Jordan in either Amman, Aqaba or Irbid, where poverty and unemployment is high in this country which relies on importing basic foodstuffs.

Girl smilingK

Sponsor a child in Kazakhstan, where extreme poverty exists despite foreign investment, and there are many social challenges facing children and their families.

Sponsor a child in Kenya, where over half a million people were displaced due to political rioting in 2008. Rapid population growth and migration to cities has created many slums and the SOS Children’s Villages at Mombasa, Eldoret, Meru, Nairobi and Kisumu help to care for children affected.

Learn more about our work in Kosovo, where unemployment is high and the infrastructure is in need of upgrading.

Sponsor a child in Kyrgyzstan, in the capital Bishkek or at Cholpon-Ata, where many children work in local bazaars and many are abandoned by their parents.


Sponsor a child in Laos, where half the population lives in poverty and there is limited access to electricity or basic facilities.

Sponsor a child in Latvia, where transition to market conditions has been slow in some ways like other former Soviet states.

Sponsor a child in Lebanon which has seen decades of destruction through civil war. Children have the opportunity to be part of a new a family at SOS Children’s Villages in Bhersaf, Sferai, Kfarhay and Ksarnaba.

Sponsor a child in Lesotho, where over half the population live below the poverty line and the AIDS pandemic threatens the country's infrastructure.

Sponsor a child in Liberia, at either Monrovia or Juah Town, where decades of economic collapse have led to increased poverty and disease.  The rate of HIV/AIDS is rising.

Sponsor a child in Lithuania, where economic growth has been slow for this former Soviet Union country with little foreign investment.


Sponsor a child in Macedonia, where unemployment is high and the country still suffers from the after-effects of war in the region.

Learn more about our work in Madagascar.

Sponsor a child in Malawi in either Lilongwe, Mzuzu or Blantyre.  Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world with low life expectancy and high infant mortality.

Sponsor a child in Mali, one of the least developed countries in the world.

Learn more about our work in Mauritius.

Sponsor a child in Mexico, where more than one third of the population is aged under 18 and children often suffer family instability, with many having to work.

Sponsor a child in Mongolia, where children are at risk of malnutrition, poor health and poverty.  Furthermore, there is a lack of infrastructure.

Sponsor a child in Morocco at either Ait-Ourir (near Marrakesh), Imzouren, Dar Bouazza (a suburb of Casablanca), El Jadida or Agadir.  In Morocco, literacy rates are low and there is a severe lack of medical services for the population.

Sponsor a child in Mozambique, where 16 years of civil war saw one million people killed and most of the population live in absolute poverty.


Sponsor a child in Namibia which suffers from drought and there is an increasing incidence of HIV/AIDS.

Sponsor a child in Nepal, where more than 40% of the population are under-nourished and diseases are still widespread.

Sponsor a child in Nicaragua, where one in three children suffers from chronic malnutrition. Access to clean water and sanitation remains limited. Five SOS Children's Villages support children facing these issues.

Sponsor a child in Niger which has a basic health care system and most of the population live on less than 50 pence a day.

Sponsor a child in Nigeria which has seen increased industrialisation. One fifth of children die before they reach five, many from treatable diseases.

Sponsor a child in North Cyprus, where SOS Children has helped to reform childcare in the country and programmes we run aim to help prevent child abandonment.

Child from Cochabamba, BoliviaP

Sponsor a child in Pakistan, where nearly one third of the population live in absolute poverty.  Girls suffer a risk of abuse, lack of access to education and a lack of proper nutrition and health care.

Sponsor a child in Palestinian Territories, at either Bethlehem or Rafah, where restrictions make day-to-day life difficult.  Too many children suffer from trauma and are victims of economic pressures.

Sponsor a child in Panama, where there are many social problems and around 40% of the population lives below the poverty line.

Sponsor a child in Paraguay, where many children work to supplement family income and over one third of children are not able to finish primary school.

Sponsor a child in Peru, one of the largest countries in South America. Despite some investment in infrastructure, many people still live in slums without access to basic services.

Sponsor a child in Philippines, where more than 90% of the population live below subsistence level, many in huge slums.  7 SOS Children's Villages provide a loving family environment for children to grow up in.


Sponsor a child in Romania, where over one third of the population live in poverty as a result of high unemployment.  Many children still live in institutional care despite a transition from Communism in 1990.

Sponsor a child in Russia, where, despite positive moves, the benefits of the economy are yet to filter through to some of the ordinary population. Children feel the impact as many live on the streets or are at risk of being abandoned by their families.

Sponsor a child in Rwanda, where civil war destroyed much of the country's infrastructure, severely affecting women and children. Four SOS Children's Villages are home to more than 400 children.


Sponsor a child in Senegal at either Louga, Dakar or Kaolack. Migration to urban areas has resulted in high levels of unemployment.

Sponsor a child in Serbia in Kraljevo in the centre of the country, where household poverty and family support are under extreme pressure.

Sponsor a child in Sierra Leone which is one of the smallest countries in Africa, but is highly populated and has been devastated by civil war for years.

Sponsor a child in Somalia, where much of the population has deteriorating health, and levels of poverty mean orphans have to fend for themselves. The country has been politically unstable since the early 1990s.

Sponsor a child in Somaliland, an autonomous region of Somalia, where literacy rates are low and poverty is a long term issue.

Sponsor a child in South Africa which has unequal wealth distribution (nearly two thirds of the population live in poverty), and many children die annually from treatable diseases.

Learn more about our work in South Korea, where orphans are still an issue in this fast developing country.

Sponsor a child in South Sudan, where there are only three proper hospitals and a high maternal mortality rate.

Sponsor a child in Sri Lanka, where ethnic conflict has caused huge suffering to children in this South East Asian country with hundreds of thousands of people displaced by conflict.

Sponsor a child in Sudan which is one of the poorest countries in the world.  Many people remain below the poverty line and are largely dependent on food aid.

Learn more about our past work in Suriname.

Sponsor a child in Swaziland, where nearly two thirds of the population live below the poverty line. Only half the population has access to clean water and there is a high infant mortality rate.

Sponsor a child in Syria, one of the poorer Arab countries, where economic factors have led to increased unemployment and poverty.


Sponsor a child in Tanzania, at Zanzibar, Arusha or Dar Es Salaam, where social development is threatened by the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

Sponsor a child in Thailand, South East Asia, where large differences in wealth mean much of the population live in extreme poverty.

Sponsor a child from Tibet, where children who make the dangerous journey from China find a family with SOS Children.

Sponsor a child in Togo, where over a third of school age girls do not attend school and most of the population exists on subsistence farming. Food production does not cover the country's needs.

Sponsor a child in Tunisia, where high unemployment and families living in slums mean children suffer from social deprivation.

Learn more about our work in Turkey.

Child from Tomilino, RussiaU

Sponsor a child in Uganda, one of the poorest countries in the world, where life expectancy is low and there is a high prevalence of HIV/AIDS.

Sponsor a child in Ukraine in Brovary, near Kiev, where after-effects of the Chernobyl disaster are still being seen today.

Sponsor a child in Uruguay at Montevideo (near Santiago Vazquez), Salto, or Florida where migration to urban coastal areas has seen many social problems.

Learn more about our work in the USA.

Sponsor a child in Uzbekistan at Tashkent or Samarkand, in this former Soviet Union country which has seen extremely slow economic growth since independence.


Sponsor a child in Venezuela, where more than half the population live in shanty towns and slums.

Sponsor a child in Vietnam, where there are increasing gaps in wealth and the average daily income is less than £1 per day for many living in shanty towns and slums.


Sponsor a child in Zambia, where the average income is less than sixty pence a day.

Sponsor a child in Zimbabwe, where there is increased risk of cholera, through lack of access to safe drinking water, in this landlocked country.